Chris Paul should stay on the Rockets until he calls it quits

Chris Paul has been a godsend so far this season for the Rockets. Everyone loves stats so here is a stat for you, the Rockets have won every single game that Chris Paul has played in. 15 out of 15. I'm not great at advanced statistics, but I can tell you that's pretty good.

The Point-God, Chris Paul has transformed a Rockets team overnight from a team that may not have even made it past the second round, to a team that could possibly compete with the Warriors for the Western Conference title. And I say maybe because until someone actually knocks off the Warriors, they are the default Western Conference Champions.

All hail the Point-God!
Paul's stats aren't over the top (17.6 pts, 9.2 ast, 5.1 reb, 2.4 stl), they are actually very close to his career averages. Which, the fact that I'm being ho-hum about those stats shows how great of a career this guy has had. Paul missed some time at the beginning of the year and it took him a few games to get back in the swing of things. Since that short acclamation period, he has been on fire.

His stats haven't been extraordinary early on, but it is his percentages that have made the difference for the Rockets this year. Paul is shooting career highs in 2pt, 3pt, and FT %. The 3pt % is really amazing because never in his career has Paul taken or made this many 3's per game. It took Mike D'Antoni to be like "isn't this guy a career 37% three point shooter? Why doesn't he shoot more 3's?" Seems like it should be simple right?

Staying on D'Antoni and getting to the real purpose of this article, Paul should stay on the Rockets for the rest of his career if not for the simple fact that Mike D'Antoni elevates guards to levels that break the NBA. D'Antoni and his strange European offense was able to turn Steve Nash from an okay All-Star to a two-time MVP at 30 and 31. Now I'm not saying that Paul will ever win an MVP (even though D'Antoni used dark magic last season and turned James Harden into one of the best point guards in the league, and a MVP runner-up), but I do believe that D'Antoni and this wide open offense can stretch a little more game out of Paul in his 30's than any other coach could.

D'Antoni isn't the only reason that Paul should continue to resign with the Rockets. Believe it or not despite what the national media was trying to say before the season started, stay in your seats for this one, Chris Paul and James Harden get along and share the ball! Can you believe it!? We were told when Paul was traded to the Rockets that it wouldn't work because how could two ball dominate guards ever move the ball well enough to succeed? But three iso players in OKC? Best trade this summer! 

It's almost as if, wait for it, two guys that have averaged double digit assists can share the rock a little bit. Crazy, I know, but it is working. Meanwhile, the Thunder are in shambles, because Russell Westbrook is still jacking up 3's and only barely shooting 30%. League MVP everybody! Anyway...James Harden was the MVP runner up two years in a row before Paul got to Houston and is a top 5 player in the league, but yet people still have this notion that he can't adjust to another super star. 

"But he didn't do well with Dwight Howard!" Yeah because Dwight Howard refused to do what Clint Capela is now thriving at by just doing a simple pick and roll, diving to the rim, and slamming an alley-oop from Harden, who has proven he is pretty good at throwing them. Instead, Howard would post up at 12 to 15 feet and proceed to do some of the worst post moves that must have made Hakeem Olajuwon sick to his stomach.....Also Dwight Howard is a child, but that's beside the point. 

James Harden is entering the prime of his career and has stated that he wants to be a Rocket for life. If Chris Paul is smart, he will hitch his wagon to James Harden, and ride it until the wheels fall off. Harden will be 34 when his next contract is up, and only time will tell if Chris Paul will hang around or even be in the league when he is 38. Players leave teams all the time now. Recently only one franchise super star has stayed with the team they were drafted with for their entire career, and that's because the Lakers gave Kobe the five championship sympathy contract when he was 35. 

Paul has one year left on his current contract but you have to think he is tired of moving around at this point in his career. Plus why not sign a long term deal with a team that already has a legit super star and a coach that will actually use your strengths. Plus LeBron might be coming to Houston next year so that might also be a reason to stay.
I mean, no way. Right?
