Welcome to Third String Sports

Welcome to Third String Sports

        My name is Royden Ogletree. This thing you are reading is my blog. I have no idea why I started this, because I would honestly be surprised if you took anything away from what I write on here. I have no idea how to work this thing and I'm pretty sure I have the reading and writing skills of a fourteen year old blind dog. I never was good with the numbers and the sciences neither. They hurts my brain real bad. Really the only thing my brain stores at will is Forrest Gump quotes and 80's song lyrics. "Oh yeah, life goes on!"-John Mellencamp. I can't tell you what I'm going to post on here because the fact of the matter is that I don't even know. One day it could be about sports, and the next day it could be about what I think you should watch on Netflix (Friday Night Lights, House of Cards). One thing I can promise you though, is that I will not post about what I had for dinner. I will not post about what my plans for the weekend are. And I will not post about what just happened on Pretty Little Liars!...... Okay maybe that last one, but the rest are off the table.
     Occasionally my friend Conor Burns will be sharing his thoughts with you on here. You can take that with a grain of salt though because he is getting a Political Science degree and he literally looks like he just jumped off a box of Lucky Charms. He's short and has red hair for all you slow people. That was mean to say he was short. A proper term for him would probably be Fun-Sized. He will bring an outside perspective into a lot of my posts and hopefully not screw anything up. Later on, if this disaster of a blog continues, you could maybe expect to see some YouTube videos from us. They will be pretty much the exact same thing that you see on here. They will make absolutely no sense and will serve very little purpose to your everyday life. My goal is to make you leave this blog and say to yourself "Why did I just waste twenty minutes of my precious time on there when I could have been not doing my work in some other way." My hope is that you leave this page completely unsatisfied but asking yourself why you couldn't stop reading or watching. Basically I want this blog to be like an episode of Lost. At the end of every post you'll have no idea about what is going on.
     You are probably wondering where I came up with the name for this. I was sitting in class today and we were discussing the 1960's and 70's Counterculture movement. A movement that some of our parents and grandparents are still living. I'm looking at you Grammy and Grumpy. This movement encouraged free thinking and peace. A movement that saw the likes of Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles rise to fame. We are no longer living in that day and age now. Instead of free thinking, we have apps that tell us what to do. Instead of Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles we have Drake and One Direction. Shoot me. We don't think for ourselves and most of us have bought into what the T.V. screen tells us on daily basis. I'm not trying to change what you believe or what you like by just a simple blog post that honestly may never get looked at by anyone. I will try and give you my perspective though. Sometimes thats all anyone needs is a little perspective. Because like I said, we are no longer a counterculture.

